Meeting with Jimmy Cornell
In early march, the Sail for Water crew was invited by the NGO Sail The World to the great cruise seminar they were hosting.
Under the supervision of Jimmy Cornell, great navigator and author of numerous reference works in the domain of long term navigation. This seminar was the opportunity for the crew to meet other passionate and engaged seamen whose feedback on their own experiences was more than valuable. Thanks to the kindness of the Sail The World team, Sail for Water who was not on the initial program has had the chance to present its project to the several dozens of participants who have welcomed with joy this beautiful initiative.
During the evening, we have made a demonstration of the filter and how to use it. We were honoured when Jimmy Cornell accepted to drink the water filtered by the Point One filter and saluted the quality of the water. Therefore, we would like to thank Xavier, Clémence and Eloïse from the company Grand Large
Yachting, as well as Laurent and Anais from Sail The World who welcomed us with open arms. Jimmy Cornell and his daughter Doina whose words will resonate in our minds for the rest of our lives, Michel for his outstanding pictures, Frederic for her technical but captivating narratives, and the ‘Pascals’ for sharing with us the lessons life has taught them. The abundant conversations were very welcomed, the interactions were relevant and the presentations were all more interesting than anything we have learned in our past.
Congratulations to all the organizers of this great seminar from which we will take back with us that a lot more work is needed concerning how we will approach our health onboard, our survival, the maintenance of our machinery and the reparations of the sails.